
Write it!

Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

This week isn’t about making the vision plain so that he who sees can run with it, it is about writing those tiny details that the Lord gives us especially in moments we are tired or sleepy or feel lazy to write. Such moments are so precious, they are probably moments God wants to download answers to questions we’ve been seeking answers to or moments when He wants to download solutions that will change the face of a particular sector.

Have there been times you received a word in between sleep and you told  yourself when I wake up, I will write it and when you woke up, you didn’t remember jack. I have been there a number of times, however I’m beginning to understand the importance of being prompt and not being lazy because it could slip. It might be a code that you’d need for a knotty problem or situation.

When moments like this comes, we must be prompt and never procrastinate or give in to the laziness and tiredness we feel in our bodies.

We must give ourselves to making journals of what the Father says to us. Our brain can’t take in all the information which is why it is important to write. You can go over it and remind God of his word and His goodness.

Never trivialize what the Father says to you even it is something He has said to you before. Don’t become too familiar with God! There is a point you can get to as a believer that you don’t become privy to certain information from God because He has seen that you have not been faithful with the ones He has given you, you have esteemed it lightly.

He said, ‘Good servant! Great work! Because you’ve been trustworthy in this small job, I’m making you governor of ten towns. Luke 19:17

Write the dreams, the visions, the encounters, the prophecies, His goodness. Stay faithful in writing whatever the Lord tells you and also constantly behold it.

It is easy to forget these things but once it is written, you can go over it again and again, you can put the Lord in remembrance concerning it.

The Lord will help us all.

You can not enjoy fellowship with Jesus if you don’t know Him and you can’t fulfill your destiny if you do not know HIM. We welcome you to turn unto Jesus because He alone saves, He died for your sins to make you whole and complete Him. Accept Him today.

Kindly send an email to jesusexpressed@gmail.com so we can agree in prayer with you.

Have a Writing-filled week as the Lord downloads His heart to you.

Jesus LOVES you.